Marta's Monterosa Blog

I am passionate about the Alps. They are my heart's home and the place where I would like to spend the last day of my life. I have been a tourist in the village of Champoluc in the Italian Monterosa for all my life and worked as a tourist operator in this area since more than 15 years.

I believe in respect for the special environment of this place that you can find only here. We all gain by enjoying its beauty, while trying to make a minimum impact at the same time. Leave it for our children in the future!

I believe in respect for people who live here with their traditions and culture, language, and work, their genuine products and delicious wines. They open their homes for us, tourists and meet us as their guests, if we are able to open our hearts for them. I have a friend who is a hotel owner and he says that when stressed people from the city come to his place, he tells them to sit down and take a drink before they even begin to worry if they have a room. Perhaps, we can bring a little of their kindness and calmness with us on our way back to the city.

My philosophy is to give back a little of what the mountains and the people from this place have given to me and to my family through my work, to communicate my philosophy and my passion to those who follow me on the blog, and in my trips as a tour operator.

If you would like to visit Champoluc, Gressoney, Alagna or other villages in the Aosta Valley, trek or ski in the Monterosa, discover Sardinia or other places we offer, contact us.

Posted: Jun 7, 2017

There is an adventure waiting up by the treetops

A new adventure park has opened in Fontainmore. With the park, we have found yet another reason to visit beautiful Fontainemore, one of the picturesque villages, on the way up to Gressoney, in the Lys Valley.
Posted: May 29, 2017

The Little S.t Bernard pass opens 31st May

It is always an emotional event, the re-opening of the Little St. Bernard Pass, between Italy and France, after a long and harsh winter. This year the opening is scheduled to 31st of May, weather permitting. It is in fact, not unusual, that the opening is postponed due to too much snow, and the snow clearance, on both sides, is at the moment working hard to secure the viability.
Posted: May 4, 2017

Open Wine Cellars 28th May

The last weekend in May every year wine makers all over Italy, opens their cellars “cantine” to visitors. 
Posted: Apr 16, 2017

Gressoney waves winter goodbye

As the tradition has it, Gressony waves the winter goodbye at “Pasquetta” Whit Monday, with the annual Spring Barbeque Contest.
Posted: Mar 30, 2017

Cervino Nordic Rush 1st April

The fastest sprinters in the world, one against one, on the central streets of Cervinia. The Cervino Nordic Rush is a race in between competition and festivity and even more an important event for promoting cross-country skiing.

The 1st of April Breuil-Cervinia becomes a snowy arena for this popular end of the season happening.

    Please, write to us and ask us your questions, and we will get back to you.