

4 Mar 2016

Environmentally friendly Alpine Pearls

Author: TheAlps  /  Categories: News  / 

Limone Piemonte Alpine Pearls

The "Alpine Pearls" celebrates 10 years this year. If you do not know the network, check it out! It is a fantastic initiative for all those who would like to spent their holidays more sustainably and environmentally friendly.

At the end of January 2006 17 villages joined the “Pearls of the Alps” network. The Alpine Pearls Association has resulted from EU projects and today unites 25 communities in several countries: Italy, Germany, France, Austria, Slovenia, and Switzerland. The project aims at creating and promoting innovative, sustainable tourism packages to protect the environment.

Among communities in the network there are both more and less known resorts, but all of them in one of the most spectacular mountain regions in Europe. To join the network all “Pearls” needed to prepared packages of a stress- carefree holiday, and above all – environmentally friendly. It means reduced traffic in town centres, convenient, more ecological transfer services, and genuine recreational activities.

Read more about the network and The Alpine Pearls resorts.

Alpine Pearls in Italy


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