

18 Dec 2018

Freeride Tuesdays are back

Freeride Tuesdays are back

Author: Linnea  /  Categories: Champoluc, News  / 
Every Tuesday throughout the winter we invite our guests in Champoluc for a day off-piste with our qualified local Mountain Guides. 

Join a group for a day off-piste with a professional Alpine Guide to a reducted price. The cost for a place in the "Tuesday group" is € 60 per person. 

"The pleasure of tracing the curves of your dreams, a few steps away from the beaten track”, state the Champoluc Alpine Guides and we add that this is a great possibility to get comfortable with the terrain outside the numbered slopes, get a taste of what freeriding is all about and make new ski-friends.

Your Guide will choose the best itineraries considering the meteorological condition and the participants’ technical level, giving priority to the safety of the group.

From beginner off-piste skiing to freeride skiing and heli-skiing to ski safari, and ski touring, we arrange single- or multi-day adventures at selected destinations.



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