

12 Apr 2014

I see snow, snow and more snow

Author: SuperUser Account  /  Categories: Champoluc, Stories  / 

The snow just keeps coming and coming here in Champoluc today! I have never seen so much snow falling at once. The whole valley is a snow caos. Everyone is outside digging out their cars stuck under a huge pile of snow. And it is great!


While most people stay inside today, all of us from TheAlps went on a litel adventur out in the snow. Most of the slopes were closed today, but we manege to find a lift to take us up into the snow clouds! It was one of the most fun rides I ever had! There was so much snow it felt like I was sufing down the mountain. The snow was so deep in some places that some of us got stuck and we had to digg ourselves out!

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Now it really feels like we are in a winter wonderland. The snow is still faling and we hope it never ends! Okej… maybee after the season’s end.


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Agnes Ullenius


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