

15 Mar 2020

In Italy people have found new ways of socializing

In Italy people have found new ways of socializing

Author: SuperUser Account  /  Categories: Blog  / 

15/3 2020, Gärdesta, Sörmland, Sweden

And now what? I have cleaned the house. I must keep the fire burning. I eat my food. I sleep. Feel lonely tonight, it’s dark outside, I have no one to share how clean the house is.

Birds, big birds stop at the ponds in the fields outside the cabin, on their way back to the North. Cranes, geese. No clue of Covid 19. They do as I use to do this time of the year: move back to the North, after winter season. It’s springtime! But it feels so strange this year, no sparkling awaiting of better times to come. I saw 3 elks at sunset.

I have been alone in many places for days, waiting for guests celebrating a wedding in our beautiful house in Umbria Il Belpoggio su Todi, Il Belpoggio su Todior going toski or hiking in Champoluc to celebrate their 60th birthday with family and friends. This autumn I was alone in Ravello on the Amalfi coast waiting for different small companies having their conference in this divine place. Waiting for someone whom I wanted to give back some of what I have got from Italy: education, love, history, solidarity, hard work and passion - moreover than beauty.

Yesterday I got this strange video from my friend Enzo in Milan. He is a doctor and works as usual at the biggest hospital in the city. His wife and their daughter are, as many other who can afford it, at their second home in the mountains - the daughter is also a doctor and she is pregnant, so it is not good for her to be in a hospital working these days. Anyway, in Italy people have found new ways of socializing: aperitivo by video conference, playing opera on the balcony, or simply putting a flag outside all windows of your house. To keep strong and together, because you are strong together in Italy.

Now I am alone in the summer cabin of my mother in low, waiting to go home. Wish I could fill my mind and my days here with hope and spring. Try to think what I can give back to my guests from this time of uncertainty. Hope to be able to make our little nice firm Thealps stand strong and resist in the winds of these days, for all old and new people who love travelling and Italy.

In Italy people have found new ways of socializing from TheAlpsInfo on Vimeo.


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