

14 Jun 2016

Rifugi in Fest on weekend

Author: TheAlps  /  Categories: Champoluc, Gressoney, News  / 

Rifugio Ferarro

“Rifugi in Festa” is a traditional opening of the huts’ summer in the Aosta Valley. This year it will start on the18th June. Delicious local cuisine and some entertainments included!

During the forthcoming weekend, the 18th-19th June, shelters in the Aosta Valley region will inaugurate the summer. It is an occasion to eat a lunch for a fixed price (in most places for 17EUR including appetizer, polenta, meat, dessert and drink). Alpenzù hut in Gressoney-Saint-Jean, Arp hut in Brusson, Ferraro hut in Champoluc and Miserin hut in Champorcher, among others, will celebrate “Rifugi in fest”.

Along with the fest one can enjoy jazz and nice mojitillo as the first edition of the “Coumarial Mojitillo Jam Session”starts exactly on Saturday. Read the program (in Italian).


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