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29 Jan 2015

Carnival in Saas-Fee

Author: SuperUser Account  /  Categories: Saas-Fee, News  / 

Carnival 2015 Saas-Fee

Fantastic carnival time is not only in Brazil. Actually, spending it in the mountains can be even funnier. This week we recommend Saas-Fee. Other resorts in the Monterosa region will come soon.

Carnival in Saas-Fee will last until the mid-February. The forthcoming Sunday it will be the carnival music concert Fletschi-brätscher on Kreuzboden at 1 p.m., but the main party starts next week.

Until the 17th February you can listen to concerts, take part in parades, and finally, dance at the carnival ball.

All events you can check here, and contact the tourist office (+41 27 958 18 58) in Saas-Fee for more details.

Carnival Saas Fee children parade


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