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1 Dec 2016

Macugnaga is off to an early season start

Author: TheAlps  /  Categories: Saas-Fee, Macugnaga, News  / 


Thanks last week’s heavy snowfall, with more than two and a half meters of powder, Macugnaga anticipates the start of the ski season 2016/2017.

Already this weekend to come, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th December, the lifts on Monte Moro will open.

Located in Piedmont at the foot of the awe-inspiring east face of Monterosa, Macugnaga’s skiing is divided into two different sections, whereof Monte Moro is the largest and most challenging one. The cable runs from the central square of the town to the 3000 m of Passo Moro.

Our insider tip for Macugnaga? Go on a ski touring trip to Saas-Fee with our local Mountain Guides. The Swizz resort is just on the other side of Monte Moro!




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