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6 Feb 2015

Meet the White Lady in Cervinia

Author: SuperUser Account  /  Categories: Cervinia, News  / 

The White Lady in Cervinia

Carnival time is nearing to an end this year. However, there is one more thing to experience in the Aosta Valley before. Let’s meet the White Lady in Cervinia!

The White Lady is a character that originated from a local legend. In the village of Breuil, in Valtournenche, when there were only huts for pastures, lived a beautiful girl of extraordinary beauty. The giant Gargantua, who knew these valleys, returning from Zermatt, saw her. He fell in love and carried her off.

He decided to hide her in the mountains. All inhabitants of the valley decided to look for the girl together. When the giant saw their determination, he surrendered. He loaded the girl on the sledge to return her to its people who organized a big party attended by all inhabitants of the Valley.

On 12th Februrary Gargantua will return the White Lady again to villagers down on a sledge, with the participation of the traditional carnival of Verrès and Lou Tentamaro de Cogne. Then, you can dance Rouge et Noir at the Max Club in honor of the Lady, Gargantua, with a little help of the Counts of Challant.


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