
Thank you to all our guests going with us! Over the years we have had lovely feedback from you and we have collected some of your pictures and comments here.

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The last miles on the Autobahn and our arrival in Champoluc

Posted: Dec 25, 2010
Categories: Blog
Comments: 0

Senaste 12 månaderna - 203

Happy to have a computer other ways I don’t know what had happened to us sitting 9 hours with Pascal just singing loud and making all kind of noise. A kid in a car for so long as 3 days, I can really suggest you to have plenty of DVDs or downloads!

But we had all sorts of things to look at on the Autobahn and time was not really a problem. Köln to Champoluc took us 9 hours, good for winter and lots of traffic! Look at Santa and the beautiful old Volvo truck:

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At the end we were in Champoluc, the nicest village we know in the Alps. It is at this time it is interesting to visit Belvedere (the coziest after ski place on the slopes) and see their offers for Bombardino this year. Bombardino is egg liquor with brendy and creme. You could never drink it somewhere else than in the mountains after a cool day on the snow.

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It has come pretty huge with snow in Monterosa those days. And it still snows, even if it is pretty warm and foggy. I believe it will be a very good ground for the rest of the season.

And today it is Christmas! Merry Christmas from me! Marta

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