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12 Apr 2014

Working at Campo Base in Champoluc

Author: SuperUser Account  /  Categories: Champoluc, Stories  / 

Busy, busy days! Bartolomeus who is also a seasoneer here in Champoluc hurt his hand a week ago and was unable to work at his job at the restaurant. So I helped him out and took his job for a few days until he gets better. I had to come and work on the busiest days of the whole season and it was a great experience.

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The restaurant Campo Base is at the top of La Mandria in Frachey. I would say that they have one of the most beautiful views of all the restaurants I have been to in the Monterosa-ski. The food is great and the colleagues are really nice. Not a bad place to work! Not anyone gets to ride snowboard to and from work either.

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I got to make coffee, serve drinks, clear tables and wash the dishes. The first drinks I served were three hot chocolates with cream. I managed to serve one and came back with two on my shirt. From then on everything just went better!

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 Agnes Ullenius


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